Financing In Africa is a complex network of financial exchanges such as the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the SADC region, the ECOWAS region, the African Union, all of whom are working together to try to integrate and link financial markets across Africa. The mandate and mission of Financing In Africa as a subsidiary of the IFXBG Limited ( is to assist over 50 African States in exposing their entrepreneurs, SMMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises), tenders, infrastructure, development, and Government to public-private financing globally. The services link unique securities and capital market products from all the top stock exchanges and trading platforms for commodities and markets in Africa to investors, issuers, institutions, buyers, sellers, and traders.

Financing in Africa carries a unique mandate with its counterpart International Financial Exchange and Banking Group an FSA Licensed UK Broker Dealer, who have partnered with various African Financial Forum’s and organizations to support African Union Countries. (

Contact Us:

France Paris +33 (977) 219 007
UK London +44 (20) 3286 6007
SA Pretoria +27 (12) 743 5007
New York City +1 (914) 613-3007
New Zealand Auckland +64 98899007

IFXBG Ghana Limited

Suite A, 5th Floor Silver Star Towers
P.O. Box KA 30225
Airport City, Accra Kotoka International Airport
Accra, Ghana

IFXBG South Africa  

34 Sandown Hills 103 Katherine Street
Sandton, Johannesburg 2196 RSA